Here are 44 testimonial videos produced by our students. You can also access these and more individually by clicking this link:
Healthcare is fair and just only if available to all, especially the poor, underinsured, and women who need to make their own decisions for reproductive health. It's time for healthcare justice to roll.
The time has come for Medicare for All. The system we have now is really a health commodity, not health care. It makes huge profits for insurance investors and leaves people with poorer health benefits than in other developed countries. At Health Care Justice—NC, we show how a simpler single-payer system like Medicare is more efficient and affordable. It brings us closer to our moral values. It is also true to our country’s original ideals of an inclusive and diverse democracy.
1. Explanation of Current Medicare - Is Medicare hard to grasp? It may be confusing if you are under 60. Dr. Bohmfalk explains it clearly in this brief video. You will see why Medicare is so popular and works so well. He also makes a case for Improved Medicare for All as a solution to our impending crisis in healthcare funding that will affect every one of us, no matter our age.
2. Where American Healthcare Is Now - Why is US healthcare at least twice as expensive as it is in the rest of the developed world? Dr. George Bohmfalk leads you directly to the elephant in the room. It is no mystery, and it is solvable once we as a country make the moral choice to provide healthcare to every citizen. He then elaborates on the enormous difficulties that our current healthcare financing system creates for so many of us. It does not need to be this way. We can and must do better.
3. Where is All The Money Going? - How can Improved Medicare for All save us money? Listen, as Dr. George Bohmfalk explains how switching to this system can cut $500 Billion/yr. in administrative cost and $150 Billion/yr. in drug and device costs. Fantastic? That would be more than enough to pay for health coverage for all Americans, giving us dental and vision coverage and no copays to boot.
4. How Do We Pay For It? - Dr. Bohmfalk shares a clear explanation of the numbers, citing a study by Amherst economist Gerald Friedman.
5. Do We Need Skin in the Game? - Your health insurance copays and deductibles are designed to lower overall healthcare spending by having you bear some of the cost for services, but do they actually do that? Dr. Jessica Schorr Saxe explains that in reality they do not decrease costs and simply move the burden from your insurer (BCBS, Aetna, United, etc.) to the insured (YOU).
6. Will It Help Americans Be Healthier? - In this video, Dr. Bohmfalk carefully and clearly explains the data showing that not having healthcare insurance markedly increases your risk of death at any age. Conversely, having Medicare dramatically decreases this risk. Why not make it available to every American?
7. Would It Be Disruptive? - Watch as Dr. George Bohmfalk discusses whether or not Medicare for All would be disruptive.
8. Would It Wreck The Economy? - Dr. Bohmfalk outlines the reasons why it would not wreck the economy. On the contrary!
9. What Does Single Payer Mean? - The issue is pretty clear, but terms can be confusing. Orthopedic surgeon Pressly Gilbert sorts out single-payer, multi-payer, universal, and other terms in the healthcare discussion.
10. Is It Socialized Medicine? - Of course it’s not, despite how many people think it is. Dr. Bohmfalk explains the difference and how this term has become weaponized.
11. Why Aren't We There Yet? - Dr. Bohmfalk talks about how this ideal plan is being delayed simply by fear and greed.
12. How Will It Affect Doctors and Hospitals? - Medicare for All will save them money and give them greater control over their practices and facilities. They can return to helping their patients, not driving them into bankruptcy.
13. Of Course You Want to Give Up Your Current Insurance! - We keep hearing that most Americans love their current health insurance plans and do not want to give them up for a government-financed program. But guess what we’ve learned - that’s simply not true. In a recent Business Insider poll, 6 out of 10 respondents said they would give up their employer-based health insurance for Medicare for All as long as it meant no change in coverage.
14. What About a Public Option? - We doctors don’t treat cancer incrementally, and that’s not the best way to win wars or jump over a chasm. Some things require bold action to help the most people. Medicare for All is one of those things.