Health Care Justice • NC is committed to ensuring that everyone has access to high-quality medical care. Health care is a social good, much like education. It is too critical to be treated as a commodity and left to the whims of the market. We care that our neighbors have health care for their own well-being. And just as we all benefit by having educated neighbors, we also all benefit by having healthy neighbors. When our neighbors are able to take care of their health without undue expense or anxiety, they can be more productive members of society.
In our wealthy nation, we can afford to provide health care to all in a financially sustainable way. Our organization's name - Health Care Justice - expresses our conviction that health care is an issue of social justice.
We support Improved Medicare for All, a single-payer universal health care system that covers everyone. In a single-payer system, one government agency is responsible for the financing of health care, while health care delivery remains primarily private, by doctors and hospitals that run their own businesses. Among the many advantages would be universal coverage and improved health of millions, while saving billions of dollars through administrative efficiencies and savings on drugs and devices. See What's the Plan? for more information about Improved Medicare for All.
Until we get Medicare for All, we support Medicaid expansion (Yea! We finally got it in North Carolina!) and oppose privatization of original Medicare by Medicare Advantage. Click here to learn more about privatization efforts .
We also oppose racism and support equity for racial, ethnic, and gender minorities and other underserved groups.
We are a chapter of Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP), which has been working on this cause with its 22,000 members for more than 35 years. See our HCJ Partners page to learn about our regional, national, and student affiliates.
Our Board members are:
Student group representatives:
Our Board meets several times per year. Leaders of our student groups participate with one vote per group.
Check out Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP), our national parent organization of over 22,000 physicians and other advocates. Their website has a wealth of information about the advantages of single-payer, universal health care. We hope you'll join PNHP. Students and all healthcare reform advocates are welcome!
Please join us! Sign our resolution in support of a single-payer Medicare for All system. Everyone is welcome. Membership in HCJNC is free. We also encourage you to join PNHP (for which there are annual dues based on membership category).
We need you and your unique skills! We especially need help with communications, social media, and website support. Are you a public speaker? Join our Speakers Bureau and help spread the word. Are you a meeting planner? Help us plan our membership meetings. There's a place for you!
Invite us to educate your groups about single-payer Medicare for All - service clubs, church groups, book or garden clubs. We'll come anywhere!
Share your ideas about how we can advance this important issue.
Please contribute whatever amount you can to help us spread the word about Medicare for All. We'll give you a beautiful yard sign to show the world your support!